Winter Hours of Operation Mon – Sat 9-5 | Sun 10 -3


1983 main St E Snellville GA 30078

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Spring Cleaning

When it comes to cutting back and cleaning up, a little hard work goes a long way in keeping your garden healthy and thriving year-round. Some tasks to tackle now:

Prune those ornamental grasses and summer-blooming shrubs to rejuvenate your outdoor haven.
Trim back evergreen groundcovers like Ivy and Liriope for a neat finish.
Gently deadhead dried Hydrangea flowers, but hold off on cutting back stems to the ground until buds begin to green up. Then cut off any dead stems and enjoy bountiful flowers in May.

And guess what? While you’re tidying up the greenery, we’re also cleaning up the shelves of My Secret Garden with a fantastic offer. Dive into our selection of 50 to 75% off select merchandise, including pottery, holiday decor, birding essentials, candles, and more. It’s the perfect time to not only refresh your garden but also score some incredible deals!

Dream gardens really do come true, and we’re here to make yours sparkle with the highest-quality selection of plants. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.


Sonya and the crew

Trend: Ornamental Edibles

Make the most of your garden space by growing ornamental edibles. These pretty plants will do double duty, at home in the garden and on the table.