Poinsettias are a beloved holiday symbol known for their vibrant red and green displays. These festive plants are native to Mexico and are part of the Euphorbia family. Check out our care tips below to keep your Poinsettia healthy and beautiful throughout the holiday season.
- Light: Place your Poinsettia in bright, indirect sunlight to keep its vibrant color.
- Watering: Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings, but don’t let it become bone dry.
- Temperature: Poinsettias prefer a stable indoor temperature around 65 to 70°F.
- Humidity: Maintain a moderate humidity level by misting the plant regularly or using a humidity tray.
- Pruning: Remove faded or damaged leaves to encourage healthy growth.
- Fertilizing: Feed your Poinsettia with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 2 to 4 weeks.
- Maintenance: Protect your Poinsettia from drafts, cold air, and heating vents.