If an astonishing display of rich, rose-like blossoms is your thing, then you’ll love this breathtaking Begonia! Compact and remarkably low-maintenance, these plants dazzle with deep red flowers blooming profusely all summer and into fall. Simply give them a shaded space to light up, such as a porch, patio, or border, and behold the beauty!
How to Grow Vermillion Begonias
- Water: Vermillion Begonias prefer consistently moist soil, but avoid soggy conditions. Water deeply when the top inch of soil dries out.
- Light: Thrive in partial shade. Direct sun exposure, especially during hot afternoons, can scorch the leaves.
- Growth speed: Moderate growers. You can expect them to fill out their pot nicely throughout the growing season.
- Size: Typically grow 8-12 inches tall and 12-15 inches wide when mature. Compact and bushy habit.
- Difficulty: Relatively easy to care for, but require consistent watering and attention to light levels.
- Pet friendly: No, Vermillion Begonias are toxic to pets and humans if ingested. Keep out of reach of curious animals and young children.