Winter Hours of Operation Mon – Sat 9-5 | Sun 10 -3


1983 main St E Snellville GA 30078

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You’ve picked out the perfect tree, gotten it home – now what? Here are some tips on caring for your fresh Christmas tree:

  • Place the tree in a bucket of water as soon as you get it home if you’re not putting it in the stand.
  • Before inserting in the tree stand, make a fresh cut at the base of at least an inch.
  • Use a tree stand that holds at least one to two gallons of water.
  • Keep the tree out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources to keep it from drying out.
  • Make sure to keep the tree stand topped up with water.

What to do when you’re finished enjoying your tree? The Boy Scouts will accept undecorated Christmas trees for recycling beginning December 26th. Drop off is at fire department at 5550 Spalding Dr, Peachtree Corners.